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What is disguised remuneration?

Ordinarily, when a worker employed by an intermediary, such as an umbrella company, they are usually paid their wages after deductions such as pay as you earn tax (PAYE) and national insurance contributions (NIC).  However, some umbrella companies offer alternative

What is Making Tax Digital?

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is simply the government’s programme to make the whole of the tax system digital and to make it more effective, efficient and easier for individuals and businesses to get their tax right.   It is based around

Sole Trader Vs. Umbrella Vs. PSC

Arguably the biggest appeal to becoming working independently is the flexibility; that you get to set your own terms when it comes to your career and daily working life. There are a number of options and working routes you can

What is a Preferred Supplier List?

When working through a recruitment agency, your agency may be required to treat you as an employee in terms of, amongst other things, deductions to be made from assignment income and payments to be made to HMRC. Often, agencies do

What is off-payroll working?

Off-payroll working is very closely linked with another piece of legislation: IR35. Though the two pieces of legislation are different, they are two sides of the same coin in that off-payroll deals with how to pay an individual who’s assignment

What are Key Information Documents (KIDs)?

As from 06 April 2020, new legislation requires all agency workers to receive a key information document (KID) from any new employment agency that they sign up to.  But what is a KID and why is it so important that

What is an umbrella company?

If you’re an agency worker, contractor, or other type of independent worker, then you may have heard of the term ‘umbrella company’.  But what on earth does an umbrella company do and why should I consider one? An umbrella employs

What is IR35?

If you’re a self-employed contractor, you may have heard of the term ‘IR35’, particularly if you work via your own limited company. IR35 has had a lot of negative coverage in the press, and has seen pushback from contractors and

I’m an agency worker, what is my employment status?

It can be hard to juggle everything as an agency worker.  You’re usually concentrating on doing your current role, and/or also keeping an eye out for your next role.    So the question of your employment status doesn’t always have

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