In this episode Julia discusses why she is feeling positive about 2021, and why you should too! Things are definitely looking up as there is certainly increasing demand in the jobs market, particularly for temporary and agency workers in the UK. Listen to the episode to find out the latest job market stats, which sectors have shortages currently, and the most in-demand job roles. Crucially, we also talk about the most in-demand skills that hirers are looking for, and that candidates should emphasise when applying for jobs.
We cover Key Information Documents which recruitment firms are legally obliged to provide to their candidates in order to outline the type of contract the worker will be engaged on, pay illustrations and other essential details. These will enable you to make an informed decision about how you want to work, and what that means for your particular circumstances.
We also talk about why firms are choosing temporary and freelance workers rather than permanent employees, and why that is set to continue during 2021. In addition, there are numerous other types of work opportunities which you may want to consider, for example within the sharing economy.
Sharing economy podcast, “Countless Opportunities for Everyone” listen here
Current Job Scams podcast, “An Interview with Keith Rosser, Chair, SAFERjobs” listen here
All About Self Employment podcast series, listen here
About Julia Kermode
Julia is a podcaster, network builder and campaigner, and she set up IWORK ( in 2020. Championing independent work, the website provides a wide-range of resources to help all types of independent workers, from agency workers, temps, gig workers, contractors, freelancers and the self-employed. She has significant knowledge, experience and insight into tax and legal issues affecting the independent workforce and the temporary labour supply chain.