Gig Economy Workers Are Happier Than Employees

Gig economy workers are more likely than the general workforce to be happy with the flexibility, control, training, and earnings their work gives them, according to a report just published by the Social Market Foundation. The project was sponsored by Deliveroo, which signed a legal contract with the SMF ensuring the think-tank’s complete independence over […]

HMRC Should Better Advise & Support Gig Workers

In response to a government call for evidence, the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) have pointed out a number of flaws in how individuals working in the gig and sharing economies are taxed.  Currently, they are expected to fit within the Self Assessment tax system, i.e. be responsible for declaring their taxable income annually […]

Spiralling Gig Economy Engages 4.4m Workers Each Week

The number of people working for gig economy platforms has near-tripled in England and Wales over the past five years, according to new research published by the TUC today.  This amounts to 4.4 million people working for gig economy platforms at least once a week.  In addition, almost a quarter (22.6%) of workers have done […]

Portugal’s Gig Economy Will Get Worker Rights

New legislation in Portugal is set to grant gig economy workers certain minimum rights similar to those received by employees, rather than the current gig worker status as self-employed individuals.  A draft bill has been approved by the government but still needs to get the final green light from the Portuguese parliament, which is likely […]

015 Supreme Court Uber Decision – Impact on the Gig Economy

You can’t have missed the fact that the Supreme Court recently concluded that Uber drivers are not self-employed, despite being engaged on that basis, but are actually workers.  This is a very significant judgement which looks set to have wide-ranging implications for the gig economy, so today we’re talking to Lewina Farrell, a solicitor with […]