Yet More Loan Charge Devastation

Last week we heard the tragic news that there has been another suicide believed to be linked to the loan charge.  Financial Secretary to the Treasury Lucy Frazer confirmed that HMRC has referred nine cases to the Independent Office for Police Conduct where a taxpayer has taken their own life and used a “disguised remuneration” […]

HM Treasury Want Umbrella Workers’ Views

In November, we reported on the government’s call for evidence on the umbrella sector which forms part of their commitment to bring umbrellas into scope for labour market enforcement.  From the outset they stated a wish for input from umbrella workers, and HM Treasury has now issued a survey specifically for workers to submit their […]

Tax Professionals Propose Loan Charge Solution

The professionals, comprised of tax lawyers, tax advisers and accountants, led by Sarah Gabbai of McDermott, Will and Emery, have taken action due to the increasing concern about the impact on thousands of families if HMRC enforce the Loan Charge.   They have come together to offer a new voice to the debates on the issue […]