No More Legal Excuses For Your Holiday To Be Withheld!

Good news for temporary workers in the UK – there is now no excuse for recruitment agencies and umbrellas to with-hold your holiday pay! Regular readers will be aware of the legal loophole that allows immoral agencies and umbrella companies to wrongfully profit from your hard earned holiday pay.  In addition, at least one ‘reputable’ […]

It’s Official – Rolled Up Holiday Pay Is Lawful

Whilst most of us have been taking a break from work and enjoying some downtime, a very positive development for temps and umbrella workers has quietly come into effect.  Regular readers will be aware that some umbrella companies and recruitment agencies wrongly withhold holiday pay from their workers in a practice which can be legal, […]

Holiday Pay Success As Government Listens To IWORK!

We’re delighted that the government has listened to us and will make it easier for temps and contractors to receive the holiday that is rightfully theirs!  The government intends to make rolled-up holiday pay lawful, so you will be able to choose to receive your holiday pay at the same time as normal pay, as […]