004: Believing in yourself and achieving more than you think possible

We talk to athlete-turned-business-coach Paula Cohen about having faith in yourself and your abilities even when your mindset might be telling you different.  We discuss how people with real self-belief can out-perform others who have more talent but less belief.  As an athlete, Paula knows the importance of competing and putting yourself on the line, the importance of trusting your skills, trust that all the hard work you put in over the years will see you through and believe in yourself when it matters.  What you choose to focus on will become bigger and bigger for you, so if you focus on problems you can fixated on them, whereas choosing to focus on positives will create more opportunities and better outcomes for yourself.

This is an upbeat action-packed episode full of practical tips and tools that will enable you to achieve more than you thought possible.  According to Paula most people don’t realise how much potential they have and are working at 40 to 60% of their potential – imagine what you could do if you were at 80 or 90%!

About Paula

From the age of 10 Paula was obsessed by athletics, and she represented England and Great Britain until age 26, winning several titles along the way.  She then went on to have a successful corporate career at a bank where she worked as a change manager and leadership trainer.  Having become frustrated by bureaucracy and hierarchy Paula left the bank in 2008, choosing instead to work 1-2-1 with small businesses where she can make a real difference.  To reach its full potential a business has to constantly change, adapt and grow and Paula supports her clients in believing in themselves so they can get out there and find the success they deserve.

You can find out more on Paula’s website here.

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