When searching for a job, whether it’s your perfect career move or a temporary stop-gap, it’s likely you will face rejection at some point as all the best candidates do. The current jobs market is very competitive meaning that rejection is even more likely, so we chatted to the brilliant Tamzin Louise, Interview Cheerleader about how to find your inner resilience. Dealing with rejection is hard at any time, but particularly so when applying for jobs because working and earning income matters so much. So Tamzin shares with us her thoughts on what we can do to remain confident, believe in ourselves and be ready for success in the future.
Top insights include:
- Resilience is how we adapt, remain courageous, stay strong and turn adversity into a positive;
- You have a choice, you can either let rejection spiral into negativity and downward thoughts, or you can choose to be resilient and stronger for it;
- In order to deal with rejection, we first need to understand why we weren’t successful so that we can give ourselves the best possible chance next time;
- We all have the potential to regain our self-esteem, silence our inner critic, and feel confident going forwards.
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About Tamzin Louise, the Interview Cheerleader
Tamzin has a background in business psychology and she is an author with over 20 years of recruitment experience. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience to support you to achieve the career of your dreams. You can contact Tamzin here: