Understanding your pay as a temporary worker can be difficult at the best of times, let alone when you are paid via an umbrella company. There can be confusion over assignment rate vs your gross pay, plus confusion over employers NICs and other overheads. So we chat to Roy Beale who is an expert in this space, and he explains how it should work and some of the ‘mischief’ that you might encounter. Join us to find out:
- How an agency calculates your rate in practical terms;
- What is the assignment rate vs your gross pay;
- Why an incorrect rate might be advertised;
- What compliant agencies do in practice;
- Assignment schedules and Key Information Documents
Once you’ve listened to this you’ll know what tricks to look out for and you’ll be able to make an informed decision. Essential listening if you want to know how much you’ll actually be earning!
Resource: Umbrella Factsheet
About Roy Beale
Roy has some 30+ years experience in the contracting and temporary work sector, having started out as a temp himself he quickly worked his way up through the recruitment sector and subsequently joined professional employment businesses to focus on providing workers with quality services. In short there is nothing Roy doesn’t know about the sector from all angles – recruitment, umbrella and worker perspectives. He is head of growth and partnerships at Ship Shape Resources, a reputable well-established employment and payroll specialist business.