Navigating the new-normal of Off-Payroll

Navigating the Off-Payroll landscape hasn’t been easy for the contingent labour market and contractors have suffered at the hands of confused hirers and recruiters, many of whom have taken the path of least resistance and blanket banned all limited company contractors rather than adopt a compliant assessment strategy. Now, six months later, as the dust […]

IR35: HMRC’s Enhanced CEST Service

In case you missed it, HMRC have quietly starting offering a new IR35 service which aims to ensure their Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool is used accurately.  You can now ring HMRC for help with off-payroll queries, and a full run-through of the CEST tool.  This new service entails a HMRC officer running […]

031 The Increasing Use of Statements of Work

Following the off-payroll legislation that came into effect in April 2021, there has been an increase in the use of Statements of Work as a mechanism to engage contractors, and much talk about whether this ‘new’ type of contract is valid or not.  To shed some light on the subject, we chat to Carla Roberts, […]

IR35: Soft Landing, What Soft Landing?

In what many will see as contradicting their published “soft landing”, HMRC have started off-payroll compliance activity in the Oil & Gas and Financial Services sectors this week. HMRC are writing to businesses that they believe engage contractors requesting the business to contact HMRC by a certain date to arrange an initial phone call.  This […]

016 What Exactly Is A ‘Statement Of Work’?

Following on from our last episode where we discussed the different mechanisms that recruitment agencies might engage you to work for clients, today we are focussing on a new type of contract, a Statement Of Work.  Well, they aren’t actually new, but you could be forgiven for thinking that they are!  Statements of Work are […]

006: What the heck is IR35 and why do I need to know about it? 2 of 2

In the second of our 2-part series, we chat to IR35 expert Dave Chaplin about what on earth actually is IR35, and why do self-employed people need to know about it.  This is another important episode as there are significant tax legislation changes due in April 2021 and if you are self-employed with your own […]

005: What the heck is IR35 and why do I need to know about it? 1 of 2

Today we’re chatting to IR35 expert Dave Chaplin about what on earth actually is IR35, and why do self-employed people need to know about it.  This is an important episode as there are significant tax legislation changes due in April 2021 and if you are self-employed with your own limited company then you will definitely […]

What is off-payroll working?

Off-payroll working is very closely linked with another piece of legislation: IR35. Though the two pieces of legislation are different, they are two sides of the same coin in that off-payroll deals with how to pay an individual who’s assignment is “inside IR35”.   To get a better idea of why off-payroll legislation is important, it’s […]

What is IR35?

If you’re a self-employed contractor, you may have heard of the term ‘IR35’, particularly if you work via your own limited company. IR35 has had a lot of negative coverage in the press, and has seen pushback from contractors and companies in the private sector. But what is IR35, and how does it affect you? […]