Umbrella waterside

Help Us Develop Umbrella Sector Regulation

Our good friends at JobsAware are seeking the views of umbrella workers on “what is the most appropriate regulatory solution for the umbrella sector”?

In conjunction with the launch of the Department for Business and Trade consultation on umbrella company regulation, JobsAware are working with government, business, and umbrella workers on “what is the most appropriate regulatory solution for the umbrella sector”? We are doing this through the concept of Collective Regulation.

Endorsed by Minister Scully and more recently Minister Hollinrake, Collective Regulation is an academic framework that assesses the views of the workers, the government and the relevant businesses within a sector and determines the most appropriate regulatory solution for that industry. This work is co-chaired by Professor Jon Hall of Open University and JobsAware, and the steering committee comprises of the main government labour market enforcement bodies.

JobsAware are seeking the views of umbrella workers through a roundtable taking place on 12th of July at 11:00. The event will be a way of exploring the concerns, challenges and aspirations of the umbrella industry, and the insight gained will be a key input into the Collective Regulation framework. Once JobsAware has gleaned insight from roundtables with umbrella workers (in July), umbrella companies (in August) and discussed the industry with the appropriate government departments, a solution will be designed and proposed to the UK government for consideration.

We look forward to you joining us at the roundtable – to book your place please get in touch with

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