
CVs Ditched In New Recruitment Campaign

A new rapid recruitment approach has been launched where CVs are scrapped in favour of on the job trials and accelerated training, with the intention of the initiative becoming a blueprint for hospitality hubs across the UK.  The launch comes as the number of job vacancies in the UK’s hospitality and leisure sectors has risen by almost 100,000 since before the onset of the pandemic in early 2020.

Devised and developed by more than 100 hospitality and leisure industry-leaders in the area, ‘Westminster Works’ will aim to fill a minimum of 2,200 vacancies at hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, clubs, casinos and other eligible venues across Westminster by March 2024.  The initiative will secure better job conditions and prospects for thousands of sector workers under its Westminster Works Good Employer Pledge which has three pillars: Respect, Reward, Progression.

Among the commitments, employers will be required to guarantee that they will pay at least the London Living Wage. There will also be a pledge to listening and responding to employees’ issues; championing diversity and inclusion; adapting working practices when specifically needed; offering more flexible hours and a better work-life balance; paying a salary that reflects job importance; and providing additional benefits and support for career progression.

In addition, the service will seek to attract those not currently in the employment pool, such as early retirees, parents, carers, people with learning difficulties and ex-offenders.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said: “This timely scheme will help employers overcome staff shortages, find thousands of job opportunities, while at the same time setting the high standard for workers rights. It’s good for business, good for workers, and good for Westminster.”

Jobseekers can register with the scheme using the newly launched website –


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